Phone Configuration Request Form
Please use this form to customise the configuration of your phone system. Don't worry if you change your mind later, we can always tweak things! The system can be very versatile so if you have any questions please feel free to call to discuss these or list them in the bottom section.
Please first ensure you are authorised to make decisions about your company's phone system.
We can port a single phone number or a number range
Please enter one number per line, including the area code
eg. Head Teacher - 2001 VM, SENCO - 2002 No VM
Please list the users in each group and if they share a voicemail. eg. Main Office - 2001,2002 VM
An Auto Attendant is an automatic, pre-recorded message, played to the caller when dialling in to the system. eg "Welcome to Tech Hub, to speak to someone in reception please press 1, for the workshop it's 2.
eg. 1 - Main Office, 2 - Absence Voicemail, 3 - Head Teacher...
Please give details of any further configuration you may like. For example in the 'Main Office' group the receptionist phone should ring twice before the other phones start ringing.